Rodriguez Merkel


Last Chance to Stop Global Devastation Rodriguez Merkel


Last Chance to Stop Global Devastation

The lies are over. The powerful profit while the planet burns—corporations poison our air, water, and oceans, while industries raze forests, and politicians serve their masters’ greed. But we’re not just bystanders. Our consumption, waste, and indifference fuel this destruction.

Our actions are unraveling the world—ecosystems collapsing, species vanishing, and disasters accelerating. This isn’t abstract; it’s happening now, in your lifetime.

Without bold action, we will inherit an unrecognizable world. Each day of inaction brings us closer to the edge. Solutions exist, but they demand courage from leaders and sacrifices from all of us. The time for gentle actions is gone. Transform how we live or lose the only home we’ve ever known.

The clock is ticking, and time is running out.


Understand the Price You Are Already Paying

Male hands holding a brown  leather wallet with 1 U.S dollar bills inside. Prague

Is Your Wallet Taking a Hit?

As planet-wide ecological disruptions intensify, your wallet is under attack! Solutions exist that will work if we join together to use them. Time to act!
The house was devastated by the hurricane, roof off, with a dark sky looming overhead. Trees were bent by the force of the wind, and broken sandbags, pieces of wood were scattered all over the ground.

Facing Ecological Catastrophes

Rising seas, wildfires, hurricanes, droughts, floods, and species extinctions are intensifying. Can we combat these growing threats?
A bat with a large, grey head, dark body, 1 meter wingspan, black eyes, small pointed ears and a reddish-brown collar. Griffiths

Eco-Driven Rising Health Costs

Our health costs are through the roof. How about yours? Ecological destruction is part of the soaring costs. Something we can change!

"There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all (very high confidence)."

Warning from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change approved by all 195 member countries.


Learn About What's Destroying Our Planet

A photo of Antarctica showed a huge ice sheet melting and the sky was orange, blue and light grey.
David Mark/Pixaby

Global Climate Change

Affecting all living things on Earth, climate change requires urgent actions to curtail its impacts. It's our choice to stop it or choose to suffer from it.
Huge parts of a blue-ice glacier collapsing into the icy-blue water and creating waves.

Global Glaciers Are Disappearing

Their destruction is already changing the oceans, climate, and your weather. If we all chip in, we can act to save them.
Silhoutte of a line of immigrants fleeing climate change under a dark and threatening sky.

Climate Forced Migration

Dangerous escape for migrants is often the only available option to death-dealing climate change and environment destruction.

"We do not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves." — Ted Perry


We Must Intervene to Prevent Their Extinction

Koala holds a tree. Its fur is grey with white on the belly, claws are black and pointy, nose is black and it has little brown eyes
Dirk Heuser/Pixabay


Iconic Creatures on the Edge of Extinction
Red handfish with boxy head, blue eyes, red-orange round body with dark spots all over, wart-like skin, hand-like fins.
© Lou De Beuzeville/iNaturalist

Red Handfish

Critically Endangered
An Incredible Fish on the Edge of Extinction
Lime-green Lemur leaf frog clinks on a branch. It has dark spots, white tummy, black eye line, no webbed yellow fingers and toes. Spoerlein

Lemur Leaf Frog

Critically Endangered
Tiny, Beautiful, and a Critical Species to Preserve
Two Lear's Macaws soar, sporting vivid blue plumage, dark accents on heads, wings, tails. Yellowish-green eyes, whitish eye-ring, yellow base on black bills.
© Norton Santos/iNaturalist

Lear's Macaw

Magnificent Macaws Struggling to Survive
Staghorn corals on the clear blue ocean have an antler-like shape and  golden tan or pale brown colors, with white tips. Bull

Staghorn Coral

Critically Endangered
A Coral Species on the Edge of Extinction
A portrait of a Blue Iguana head. It has dusky blue to dark grey skin with hardly visible cross bands, black eyes with a little red haft-circle in the end.

Grand Cayman Blue Iguana

Conservation Has Helped Them Back


Act Now for A Greener Planet